Category: Uncategorized

Caregiver Stress Reduction Techniques

Caregiver Stress Reduction Techniques

A caregiver's journey is not an easy one. There's stress, frustration, sadness, even anger. There are many ways to cope with these feelings, some good, some not so good. Learning mindfulness from my guest helped me tremendously. Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. Tune in to learn how mindfulness can help you with your caregiver stress reduction.

Family Caregiving Blueprint

Family Caregiving Blueprint

When Cindy's Dad threw up the white flag & asked his kids to find a care home for their Mom, the entire family stepped up and formed a family caregiving committee. This podcast episode is a conversation with Cindy and her son Cory about the loved ones the committee has and is currently caring for.

Visiting With Mom (Jen’s Journey)

Visiting With Mom (Jen’s Journey)

Visiting Mom, trying to connect and give her pleasant times is a bigger challenge than I ever expected. Trying to connect with her and failing, researching better options and coming up short was the impetus for creating this podcast.

Not only did I realize that family caregivers didn't have time to do such in-depth research, I knew that a podcast would be an easy way to get support. It's what I looked for and not finding it, I created it myself.

Equally important, I want to dedicate this episode to the two women I met at WerkIt, the podcast festival I attended in October 2019. It was their idea to dedicate an episode to what visits with my Mom are like. At first, I thought they were nuts. Of course, the more I thought about, the more I realized the potential benefits.

For the most part, Mom has been fairly easy, but that doesn't make visits easy. Finding things to do that work for both of us has been a challenge. Overall, I have had to learn to be in Moms' reality. That's easier said than done. I thought I was doing this but just recently I've found a better way to do this.

Enjoy this episode. There are actual examples of what our visits are like, the good, the bad and how I'm moving forward now that Mom is giving us more challenges.

Thank you to my sponsor Family History Films
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By all means, share this podcast with other caregivers!  You can find us on social media at the following links.  Facebook    Instagram    Twitter

I share more about my journey with Mom, stuff that's going on in my own life and most importantly, cute dog photos and videos.

Also, check out our new YouTube channel where you can see us in action!

Misty Tales Episode

What Do You Remember?

Brain Trauma & Alzheimer’s

Brain Trauma & Alzheimer’s

Brain trauma is a topic that the host of Nooks & Crannies podcast knows all too well. Matt joins Jen in this episode to talk about brain trauma, brain health and a little bit about how podcasts can change the world!

I've personally had at least one, probably two concussions. That's enough to worry me about the possibility that I've increased my risk of developing Alzheimer's. My family history is enough risk. It's not completely clear if there is an increased risk of cognitive impairment from one or two concussions. That's still being researched.

My guest, Matt, from the Nooks & Crannies podcast has sustained 20 plus concussions. He's probably lost count if we're being honest. At 37 he does have warning signs of brain trauma that could lead to early cognitive impairment. We discuss how he got so many head injuries and how they are currently affecting his life.

Here's an episode they did on the same topic!
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By all means, share this podcast with other caregivers!  You can find us on social media at the following links.  Facebook    Instagram    Twitter

I share more about my journey with Mom, stuff that's going on in my own life and most importantly, cute dog photos and videos.

Also, check out our new YouTube channel where you can see us in action!

More “Brain Stuff” Talk

Two-Lap Books – A Great Way To Connect!

Two-Lap Books – A Great Way To Connect!

Two-Lap Books – A Great Way To Connect!
Two-Lap Books are Read-Aloud Books for Memory-Challenged Adults,  People with Alzheimer's disease (and other forms of memory impairment) gradually lose their ability to initiate communication with others. As a result, Lydia designed these uniquely adapted books to “give voice” to them. Using the book's large, simple text and colorful illustrations we can initiate conversation.  Notably, reading books together can make meaningful connections with our loved ones and help stimulate their minds.  As a result, caregivers will enjoy sharing these books and creating purposeful, interactive activities for engaging people with memory deficits.
For this intention, this episode is a conversation with the author Lydia Burdick. We discussed these wonderful books and the inspiration behind their creation.  I purchased two of her books and took them on a visit with Mom.

Reading the book together gave us the opportunity to laugh, talk about likes and dislikes and even sing a little.  As a result, our visit was one of the better ones in a long time.

As a result of sharing the books, I made two other residents as happy as Mom. All three ladies enjoyed the beautiful illustrations and relatable scenarios. Each resident has their own level of reading ability and as a result they were able to read on their own. Regardless, reading together gave all three got a tremendous amount of pleasure from the books. I highly recommend these books for anyone dealing with a loved one with memory loss.

I have included a direct link to Lydia's Amazon page for your convenience.
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By all means, share this podcast with other caregivers!  You can find us on social media at the following links.  Facebook    Instagram    Twitter

I share more about my journey with Mom, stuff that's going on in my own life and most importantly, cute dog photos and videos.

Also, check out our new YouTube channel where you can see us in action!

The Benefit of Reading to Seniors

What's Going on in Their Minds Ep. 13

Alzheimer’s & Intimacy (Yep, We Went There!)

Alzheimer’s & Intimacy (Yep, We Went There!)


Alzheimer's & intimacy may seem counter-intuitive. It's important to realize that everyone has a need for companionship and physical intimacy.  Couples living with Alzheimer's may have to find new ways to show love and affection.

Sometimes as the disease progresses the caregiving spouse has very little desire for intimacy from their spouse. Due to the daily activities involved in caring their normal desires. Granted, the person living with the disease may never lose their need for sex.  With this in mind, couples need to find new ways to show intimacy that works for both.

It is not unusual for men living with Alzheimer's to misinterpret care for a desire for intimacy. For this reason, paid caregivers need to learn how to lessen this possibility and deal with it properly if it does happen.

All of these scenarios are part of the conversation I had with Betsy Wertzel. Betsy is a caregiver and radio host and was brave enough to be part of the podcast. She told me she was an open book so the topic of Alzheimer's & Intimacy didn't scare her off!
Alzheimer's Trippin' With George
Join Fading Memories On Social Media!
Be sure to share this podcast with other caregivers!  You can find us on social media at the following links.  Facebook    Instagram    Twitter

We share more about my journey with Mom, stuff that's going on in my own life and most importantly, cute dog photos and videos.

Also, check out our new YouTube channel where you can see us in action!

My Conversation With A Future Neuropsychologist

My Conversation With A Future Neuropsychologist

Ever wondered what a conversation with a neuropsychologist would be like? Even if that wasn't on your list you'll enjoy hearing from this soon-to-be doctor who has a passion for brains and how health disparities effect our most precious organ.

A Peruvian Alzheimer’s Adventure

A Peruvian Alzheimer’s Adventure


How can getting eldercare for someone with Alzheimer's be better in Peru? To begin with, the cost of living is so much lower in Peru than in the United States. Instead of $600 a day, Barabra Drakes father lived like a king on $600 a month.

If you're listening to this episode, you may be facing terrifying options for a loved one. The cost of care in countries like America, Canada & the United Kingdom can be prohibitively expensive. Many families are faced with choices that are unacceptable but they don't have better options.

It is possible to retire outside the United States. It takes careful research and planning but it may be an option worth considering. Barbar's blog can help you start your research correctly and maybe you too will have a Peruvian Alzheimer's Adventure with your loved one.

What type of caregiving adventure have you been on? We're always looking for guests with interesting stories, helpful advice, anything that might help. Are you a potential guest or know someone who could be? Contact us at with ideas, suggestions or if you just want to say hi!

Peruvian Alzheimer's Adventure Blog

La Vida Con Deby: The not-so-secret life of an American woman in Buenos Aires. Tango, late nights, and a whole new identity.

Getting Caregiver Time Off

Alzheimer's Trippin' With George – Another Adventure Story
Where Else To Find Fading Memories
Be sure to share this podcast with other caregivers! Thanks. You can find us on social media at the following links.  Facebook    Instagram    Twitter

Also, check out our new YouTube channel where you can see us in action!